1. What do you usually do in the evening? (Why?)
In the evenings, I typically teach, as it’s a widely practiced routine for many educators in Vietnam. Unfortunately, teaching at night has become somewhat of a norm due to the high demand for extra classes. While I would prefer a more balanced schedule, the reality is that there are often few alternatives, especially given the competitive nature of education here.
2. Do you spend your evenings in the same way on weekdays and at weekends? (Why/Why not?)
Regrettably, my weekends are not much different from my weekdays, as I often find myself working through both. The concept of a weekend, in the traditional sense, doesn’t really apply to me due to the heavy workload and constant teaching commitments. It can be exhausting, but it’s the nature of the job.
3. How did you spend your evenings when you were younger? (Why/Why not?)
When I was a student, my evenings were far more relaxed. I dedicated time to studying, pursuing my hobbies, and socializing with friends. Life was more carefree then, and I could enjoy evenings without the pressure of work. Now, however, my priorities have shifted, and evenings are primarily spent on professional responsibilities.
4. Is there anything you don’t like to do in the evenings? (Why/Why not?)
I’m not particularly fond of going to bars or clubs in the evenings. Although these places are popular with many, I find the environment too loud and overstimulating for my liking. I much prefer quieter, more relaxing activities that allow me to unwind after a long day.
- Typically: /ˈtɪpɪkli/: In most cases; usually.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Thường thường, điển hình.
- Routine: /ruːˈtiːn/: A regular, habitual way of doing things.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Thói quen, lề thói hàng ngày.
3. Alternatives: /ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪvz/: Other available options or choices.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Sự thay thế, lựa chọn khác.
- Competitive: /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv/: Involving strong competition and a desire to succeed over others.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Cạnh tranh, ganh đua.
- Commitment: /kəˈmɪtmənt/: A promise or firm decision to do something; dedication.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Sự cam kết, tận tâm.
- Carefree: /ˈkɛərˌfriː/: Without worries or responsibilities.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Vô tư, không lo lắng.
- Relaxed: /rɪˈlækst/: Free from tension and anxiety; calm.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Thư giãn, thoải mái.
- Unwind: /ʌnˈwaɪnd/: To relax after a period of work or tension.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Thư giãn sau thời gian làm việc hoặc căng thẳng.
9. Shift: /ʃɪft/: A change in position or direction; a period of working time in a job.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Sự thay đổi, sự dịch chuyển; ca làm việc.
10. Exhausting: /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪŋ/: Extremely tiring.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Kiệt sức, rất mệt mỏi.
- Overstimulating: /ˌəʊvərˈstɪmjʊleɪtɪŋ/: Excessively exciting or intense to the point of discomfort.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Quá kích thích, quá sôi động gây khó chịu.
12. Stimulating: /ˈstɪmjʊleɪtɪŋ/: Encouraging interest or excitement.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Kích thích, hứng thú.
13. Regrettably: /rɪˈɡrɛtəbli/: Unfortunately; in a way that expresses disappointment.
Meaning (Vietnamese): Đáng tiếc, không may.